Monday 22 February 2010

Looking beyond the surface!

So lately I have this vission in my head, its kind of like a parrable! It represents the world, the people that only see the surface and for me personally my parents and family, the other people represented are people "Christians" who search deeper than the surface!
Its like the world settle with rocks and gravel that is on the surface as that is all they can see, so that is what they accept! Its got no great value but it is all they know! This can be the relationships they have, the jobs they have, the role they play in the world! They are scared of digging underground as it is hard work, and they dont know what they will find down there so they dont bother looking! They are scared of leaving the surface as it is where they feel comfortable and it seems the "normal" thing to do is to stay on the surface!
This is the view my parents have, they want me to stay on the surface! They want me to get a "normal" job as that is where they think i'll be secure! They get scared of me going underground!
But me I want to dig deep underground! I want to go places they never dreamed of! Yes I will get mucky along the way, and it will be hard work at times! And sometimes I will get lost, but the I will have a light to guide me back on my journey and that light is Jesus! And after all this hard work and all this "digging" I will find something that people on the surface will never have seen, I will find a diamond!
That diamond will be what Jesus has wanted me to find, what He wanted me to do, His purpose that He planned for me! And I will find it! Everybody has a dimond to find! So get your spades and start digging!!!!


  1. that is right good...but don't judge your family and friends who are no christians, they cannot understand what you are talking about because they never experienced this amazing love of our God! it is you who can show them His love by the way you act, the way you treat others, the way you live! they need you to get to know Him!

  2. Thanks, yeh I totally agree with you, I dont not judge anyone one, the Bible says we can not even judge ourselves so I dont! I love my family and friends and try my best to shine For Jesus. I was just trying to get across the point of the worlds view on life, and what my view is. You know we were meant to live for so much more, just hope and pay more people will realise this :D
