"...We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us, it's in everyone...." - Marianne Williamson
If you know me, you will probably know I absolutely love the full quote for Marianne Williamson, it has really defined my life and touch my heart and soul in so many ways, I read hundreds of times yet it never loses its meaning! But just the small snippet from it helps me to start whats been on my mind lately!
Marianne says we were all meant to shine, and that's its not just in some of us its in all of us! I believe that to be so true. We all have a light inside us that was meant to shine, shine for good, shine for justice, but most importantly shine for Jesus!
Each of us have exactly the same light in us! Each of us has the same capability to shine as bright as one another, to impact the world for good and for God! We have the same light in us that shone as Martin Luther King stood for racial equality, we have the same light that shone as William Wilberforce brought in the act against slave trade, I would even dare to say we have the same light inside us that Jesus Himself had!
However even though we all have the same light why do others seem to shine brighter? I believe that the reason why people shine brighter than others is because how they choose to use there light, and what they place around it!
Firstly for the light to shine at all we all first need to switch it on! We need to have a need for our light, and the reason for a light is to over come darkness, to bring light to a situation, weather that be big all small! Remember light always over comes darkness, no matter how much darkness in a room you light a small candle and no amount of darkness can stop that flame from shining! So lets switch on our lights!
But for our lights to shine at there brightest we need to make sure its clean, has no dirt or dust on it! I think such thing as sin, dulls our light, it gives us stains and blots, so our light can not shine properly, so lets make sure we stay pure and clean, and the best way to clean our light in through Jesus Christ, He cleans us as white as snow!
My last thing I just want to share is now we have our lights switched on, and shining! How can we get it to shine brighter? Let me share with you a quick fact that astonished me! Have you ever looked at a lighthouse and seen the light that shines so brightly from it, into the sea to light the way for boats? I was once asked the question what watt bulb do you think is in there? I thought something crazy like 10000watt, because it was so bright! the answer was 250 watt! That's less than 2 bulbs that are lighting up the room i am in right now! The key to lighthouse is all to do with lenses focusing the light! The bulb has lenses surrounding it giving it the power to shine up to 20 miles away! We can do the same, if we surround our self with God! If we let God focus our light we will be able to shine like a city on the top of a hill or like a lighthouse guiding boats back home. Guiding people back to their true heavenly Father!
Happy birthday mate x