I recently was asked the question by a young girl girl "What do you do in your spare time then?" And in all honesty it shocked me, the reason it shocked me is because of what the conversation was before.
The girl was talking to me about general talk, and then she went on to talk about how awful she feels as she went out the night before and got drunk so now she was suffering with after effects, and she was kind of proud about it. I replied to the girl, that " I don't have that problem as I do not drink" then this is where the question " What do you do in your spare time then?" arose!
Do we really live in such a society where the spare time we have is only invested in drinking and similar activities? And if it is, why do we see it a normally accepted! Is this how people value there life, to see it wasted under drink, to wake up the next day feeling awful after a night you can barley remember doing activities you would never do sober?
I feel so much compassion and pity for these lost souls! There is so much more to life, we were meant to live for so much more, and as previously blogged about Jesus came and died to give them life to the full. If only they would turn to Jesus!
Why is it that people today, are become proud of getting "hammered" and feeling awful the next day? Why do they find it something to show off about? Why is it that its more normal and accept to drink, than not drink? This is not this first time people have came across this was to me, and instead of me think "these guys are cool" my heart breaks for them. They could be making such a big difference in the world, and the people around them if they invested their time wisely, not in just this wasteful drinking!
But then this got me thinking, me as a Christian, what do I invest my time in?
Bob Marley said "The people in this world who are trying to make it worse are not having a day off, how can I? Light up the darkness!"
This is the view I try and have, and this quote is really impacting to me, but this is the view we all should have! I'm not saying I'm perfect by any stretch! and I'm not saying I don't have time to just chill and relax because we all do need that or else we would burn out! But in everything I do, I trying to shine and do it for a purpose for Jesus! Whether it be doing the preach at youth, to cleaning the toilets, whether it be designing a feature for church or going to the cinema! Every where I go I try and do it with purpose, purpose to make this world just a little brighter, because we all know this world could do with a little bit more light in it!
So in our spare time lets try and make the world better, it may start off small just by saying thank you, or have a great day to the person who serves you at the check out! Or picking something up you saw a person drop and give it back to them. But then lets aim for higher things, one of my personal dreams is to volunteer build and houses in a third world country, we can all have big dreams to make our world brighter, as long as we invest our spare time right now in the right things!
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